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Windy Weather

One day I was weather spotting lol.
I was watching how the weather was so calm and cool and just right for playing hailstones snow with my family.
As I looked down the fields , I saw the wind change with the way the trees were moving. The wind started off slow and then got faster making the trees even more windy. Then it got really windy to the point I could hear the whistling in the wind as it blew so hard.
I ran into the house with my family from the bad wind.
The weather broke this tree and loads more trees.



Dreams are a Fantasy that we all dream about while some people say that “Dreams don’t come True”, that their only dreams”, But Not True!!
Dreams Come True once you put them into action and make an effort to make them A Reality. When No action bein done about the Dream, then of course it don’t come true!. Live your Dreams threw your life and have no regret afterwords.

The Road Of Life

I Sat on the Road one day as a Teenage looking after animals and while I was on the road I looked at the road and taught should I go half the road or the full road to the end? So I taught , well if I go half the road, ill only see half the things in life so that’s pointless. So I said to myself that I’m always going to go the full road to the end because by the end will be amazing things. If that means fighting my corners to get to the end of the road, I sure will and won’t stop till I get there!.


Sherlock Quote

“Never put your key card with your phone because it corrupts the card. Its a common problem”.
“Sherlock Homes”

Seeking the Light